Who We Are


Back in the middle to late 1960’s, several men and women got together with a common goal; The desire to bring a safe supply of potable water to their respective areas in the most economical way feasible. These men and women, “The Originals”, volunteered their free time, and spent money out of their own pockets to go door-to-door speaking to people in the communities to see if there was enough interest to continue pursuing this goal. These men and women worked diligently for several years meeting with Government officials, holding public meetings, and talking with potential customers until finally, through their unselfish efforts and hard work, Scioto Water, Inc. was formed and became a “Private Not-For-Profit Corporation” on October 10, 1969.

Through tap fees collected from potential customers and loans and grants from the United States Department of Agriculture – Rural Development (formerly known as the Farmers Home Administration), plans were drawn up in 1970. In 1971 and 1972 construction of the initial distribution systems began. Since that time we have had three other major “Phases” of construction and several extension of existing systems in which new lines, pump stations and tanks were added to help serve others.

Over the years, Scioto Water’s distribution systems became divided into three distinct areas of service. The Rose Hill System, the East End System, and the West Side Systems.

The last “Phase” of major construction occurred from 1994 -1998 and was concentrated in the Rose Hill system. This included the construction of the Lewis “Bud” Gearheart water treatment facility on Fairground Road in Lucasville, approximately 35 miles of new water mains (ranging in size from 16″ to 8″) from that plant to the Village of Oak Hill, the installation of two storage tanks, and several thousand feet of side lines branching off of the mains to serve areas nearby. Another key factor of that project allowed Scioto Water to install “tie-ins” to existing parts of the existing Rose Hill system to help alleviate pressure and volume problems in areas where the old system had “outgrown” itself.


These men and women were “the original” Board Members listed on the first set of plans drawn for Scioto Water, Inc. by Commonwealth Systems Corporation, Environmental Engineers & Consultants of Greenwood, Indiana.

Because of their efforts, it is only fitting that they be recognized on this website